
Christmas Exercise

Merry Christmas!!

'Millions leave jobs in US - BBC News

Describe a Graph in English

Why therapy for sleep disorders and not medication?

Quotation of the month

Fight your winter blues

Protests against Covid restrictions

Covid makes governments step back.

What are you wearing?

People Description

What do you think? I can't agree with you

Quotation of the week

They don't mean the same

You hear one sound but it means something different.

You don't have to be an aristocrat...

It's easy to be confused

Do you agree? I'm not sure...

Review the family vocabulary!

Did you know?

Quotation of the month

Practice English Listening to News

History of England


Practice the Vegetables

Have you seen The Lord of the Rings?

You are also part of a better future!

Kipling and Caine

Communication in English

What are they doing?

Angry Birds Presents: Summer Pignic

Effect of wildfires

Quotation of the month

This is the way I set the table

How Deep is the Ocean?

Quotation of the month

Play and practice your English

Pronunciation here, there, overthere!

Practice Animals

Beginner Cycling Tips


Songs to learn English

Quotation of the month

Cook your own food!

The State Opening of Parliament 🇬🇧 BBC

British Food

Songs to learn Englsih

FRIENDS Sing&Learn

Quotation of the month

Saint George1 Introduction 2

Saint George

The longest-serving consort

Insects Season

Yes, You can too

Peter Rabbit - Easter Special!

Una cançó per cantar i comptar

St. Patrick's Day

Yes, you can too!

Un joc per aprendre el vocabulari de casa, escola o el parc.

Un memory per practicar les paraules del temps

Quotation of the month

Learn English with a song

Un joc per recordar el que mengem!

Yes you can too!

Yes, you can too

Science and Nature